what if Your employees
were your vip guests?
"At our event planning company, we understand that every employee is unique and deserves to feel like a Very Important Person. That's why we specialize in organizing exceptional business events for companies, such as the employees of NOVOTEL hotel chain in Athens who constantly cater to VIP clients.
Experience the glamour and excitement of an Oscar awards night tailored exclusively for your team. Our meticulously crafted themes, exquisite decorations, and engaging activities create a truly unforgettable atmosphere. From karaoke and interactive games featuring memorable quotes from Greek films to a VIP-only entrance adorned with a red carpet and paparazzi capturing the moments, every detail is designed to make your employees feel like true stars.
Capture the memories with our photo booth corner, complete with a wide range of accessories, from hats to feathers, encouraging fun and laughter among your team. Dance, song, and a touch of craziness fill the air as our DJ keeps the energy high throughout the evening.
Choose our event planning services to create extraordinary moments for your business. Let us handle all the intricate details, so you can focus on making lasting connections and fostering a sense of camaraderie among your employees.
Contact us today and let us transform your next business event into an unforgettable experience for your valued team members at Novotel hotel."
Experience the glamour and excitement of an Oscar awards night tailored exclusively for your team. Our meticulously crafted themes, exquisite decorations, and engaging activities create a truly unforgettable atmosphere. From karaoke and interactive games featuring memorable quotes from Greek films to a VIP-only entrance adorned with a red carpet and paparazzi capturing the moments, every detail is designed to make your employees feel like true stars.
Capture the memories with our photo booth corner, complete with a wide range of accessories, from hats to feathers, encouraging fun and laughter among your team. Dance, song, and a touch of craziness fill the air as our DJ keeps the energy high throughout the evening.
Choose our event planning services to create extraordinary moments for your business. Let us handle all the intricate details, so you can focus on making lasting connections and fostering a sense of camaraderie among your employees.
Contact us today and let us transform your next business event into an unforgettable experience for your valued team members at Novotel hotel."
VIP Oscars Night
Ο κάθε ένας υπάλληλος είναι μοναδικός. Γιατί μια φορά να μη νιώσουν Very Important Persons και οι υπάλληλοι? Πόσο μάλλον όταν είναι υπάλληλοι της αλυσίδας ξενοδοχείων NOVOTEL στην Αθήνα που συνεχώς παρέχουν τις υπηρεσίες τους σε VIP πελάτες? Ε λοιπόν, εμείς διοργανώσαμε μια βραδιά απονομής Oscar, αλλά αυτή τη φορά οι διάσημοι ήταν οι ίδιοι οι υπάλληλοι του ξενοδοχείου.
Το θέμα βασίστηκε κυρίως σε χειροποίητες κατασκευές, διακοσμητικά στοιχεία, θεματικές γωνιές με δραστηριότητες, karaoke, απονομή Oscar, γωνιά φωτογράφησης για selfies κ.λπ. Ο καλεσμένος πρώτα πέρασε από μια στολισμένη είσοδο με κόκκινο χαλί, μια επιγραφή «HOLLYWOOD» και... παπαράτσι που τραβούσαν φωτογραφίες αλλά και φέρονταν "ενοχλητικά" σαν παπαράτσι! Αφού πέρασαν τους παπαράτσι και το Hollywood Walk of Fame με αστέρια στο πάτωμα, έπρεπε να γίνουν "δεκτοί" στο prive party: Η είσοδος ήταν VIP ONLY! Κάρτες VIP pass μοιράστηκαν σε όλους τους υπαλλήλους. Το roof garden γεμάτο με θεματικές λεπτομέρειες από ελληνικές και ξένες ταινίες. Photo booth/ corner με αξεσουάρ όπου φωτογραφήθηκαν (αξεσουάρ όπως καπέλα, πούπουλα κ.λπ.). Η βραδιά απογειώθηκε με DJ - Karaoke – Απονομή Oscar – διαδραστικό παιχνίδι με ατάκες από ελληνικές ταινίες, ενώ οι παπαράτσι ήταν παρόντες καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια της βραδιάς. Χορός,τραγούδι και λίγη τρέλα χάρισαν αξέχαστες στιγμές στους υπαλλήλους του ξενοδοχείου Novotel. |
Every employee is unique. So why shouldn't employees feel like Very Important Persons? Especially when they are employees of the NOVOTEL hotel chain in Athens, who constantly provide their services to VIP customers? So, we organized an Oscar night, but this time the celebrities were the hotel's own employees.
The theme was based mainly on handmade creations, decorative elements, themed corners with activities, karaoke, Oscar awards, a selfie photo booth, etc. The guest first passed through a decorated entrance with a red carpet, a sign that said "HOLLYWOOD", and... paparazzi who took pictures but also behaved "annoyingly" like paparazzi! After passing the paparazzi and the Hollywood Walk of Fame with stars on the floor, they had to be "welcomed" to the private party: Admission was VIP ONLY! VIP pass cards were distributed to all employees. The roof garden was full of themed details from Greek and foreign films. Photo booth/ corner with accessories where they took pictures (accessories such as hats, feathers, etc.). The night took off with a DJ - Karaoke - Oscar awards - interactive game with lines from Greek films, while the paparazzi were present throughout the night. Dancing, singing and a little madness gave unforgettable moments to the employees of the Novotel hotel. |